If any clients are experiencing symptoms, of COVID-19, or have been asked to self-isolate, then they must not attend their face-to-face appointment. Please notify me prior to your appointment and you will be offered an online appointment instead, or the opportunity to re-schedule if needed.
If you have tested positive for the COVID-19, we may be required to notify local health authorities that you have been in the office. If we must report this, we will only provide the minimum information necessary for their data collection and will not go into any details about the reason(s) for our visits. In attending face to face appointments you are agreeing that we may do so without an additional signed release.
Sessions will be offered remotely (via Zoom) if the therapist displays symptoms, receives a positive test or are contacted by Track and Trace, as long as they are well enough to proceed.
Please try to arrive no more than 5 minutes before your appointment, or wait in your car if you arrive earlier
All clients (adults and young people) are required to use the hand sanitiser provided on entering the building.
All clients will be asked to follow social distancing guidance, which may change over the coming months, and we may adjust this policy accordingly.
The environment will be thoroughly cleaned daily and in-between client sessions with particular attention to door handles, light switches, and any other touch surfaces. Anti-bacterial fabric spray is used to clean fabrics (chairs, blankets, cushions etc.) in between each client.
Windows will be opened where possible to help adequately ventilate the room. Clients may request to have the windows closed if they have concerns about confidentiality but accept that this increases the risk of contracting COVID-19.
Where possible, please bring your own water and anything else you may like to use during your appointment (e.g. notepad, art materials, etc.). Please try to use the bathroom before you arrive. You are more than welcome to bring a hot drink with you if you like.
We are happy for you/us to wear a face mask if this would make you comfortable.
A full COVID-19 risk assessment has been carried out. You are welcome to ask for a copy of the risk assessment if you wish.
By attending your appointment, you accept that, despite safety measures taken by your therapist, there is always a risk of exposure to COVID-19 (or other public health risks) when attending an appointment face to face. This risk may increase if you travel by public transportation.
We aim to make sure COVID-19 has as little impact on your counselling experience as possible. We will work flexibly with you to meet your needs and to help keep you safe.
By attending your appointment, you are confirming that you have read and agreed to the above.
Please let us know if you have any questions ahead of our appointment and we'd be more than happy to answer them.