About Counselling Services for Child sexual Abuse
What is Child Sexual abuse?
When an individual is sexually abused, they might be forced or tricked into sexual activities. At an early age, they cannot understand if they are sexually assaulted. Moreover, children might be afraid to recall the moment and speak about it in front of their parents.
Sexual trauma is a social evil that can happen anywhere, in person or online.
It is not the fault of your child if they are sexually abused. The important thing is that they must be aware of this fact. Beesan psychotherapy offers the best Sexual Trauma Therapy.

Types of Child
Sexual abuse
Child Sexual abuse can be categorized into two types: contact and non-contact.
As the name suggests, contact abuse is when there is physical contact with a child. This may include -
forcing a child to participate in sexual activities.
Making a child undress or touch inappropriately.
Using an object or body part to penetrate or harass a child.
Sexual abuse isn't just penetrative; it could be touching, kissing, and oral.
Sexual touching of a child's body, whether they're clothed or not
Non-contact type of abuse is where a child is abused without any physical contact. This include -
Flashing or Exposing
Showing pornography
Making them masturbate forcefully
Exposing a child to sexual acts
Forcing a child to take part in online conversations or sexual activities through a smart device.
Forcing a child to view, make, or share child abuse images or videos

Each sexual trauma therapy session is specific to your needs. Most of the people appreciate structure and tools in sessions, others appreciate more of a free flow exploration of whatever feels most pressing to them.

I am flexible and creative in my approach to meet your sexual trauma therapy needs, My goal is that our work together will help you feel like yourself, or a version of yourself you have always wanted to feel.

Why Choose us for Child Sexual Abuse Treatment?
When a child has been sexually abused, they always want to share it with someone they trust. But unfortunately, most of these heart-wrecking incidents go deep down their memory lane and result in PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
This is why we have the best therapist Edinburgh who carefully listen to what you are saying. We will put all our might into making you believe you are brave enough to disclose the incident. It was not your fault, and no one will blame you for what happened. Sometimes, the child may face anxiety issues to face the world. Beesan psychotherapy and Counselling offers the best psychotherapy services for Anxiety Edinburgh.
In case of any significant incident, we will file a report to the officials and make sure that the intruder gets the appropriate punishment. Our Sexual Trauma Therapy helps to regain your sense of safety and trust.